The castings, etc., will make up precisely as the photos. All studs, bolts, nuts and screws can be supplied. The working drawings show all details full size.
All castings supplied are of the highest quality and are guaranteed perfectly soft and sound.
on which orders are accepted.
That any casting returned and accepted by me as defective shall be replaced, but shall not be the subject of a claim for compensation for labour or other expenditure.
The Original No.1 Stuart Engine 2in. by 2in. now greatly improved.
Intending Purchasers are requested to note our guarantee. In spite of the fact that the "Stuart Castings" are absolutely the finest on the market, it sometimes happens that an unseen flaw may develop in machining, in which case the casting should be returned immediatly, and it will be replaced free of charge. Many customers write thanking us for our fair dealing and also freedom from petty annoyances, caused through castings not cleaning up to drawing sizes, etc.